Maya started this "joke" in the hospital when she finally felt like talking. (and not just fighting to breathe) Here's how it goes:
Maya: "Knock, Knock"
me: Who's There?
Maya: Me
me: Me who?
Maya: Mine-a
me: Maya! Come in!
We do this many, many times a day. If you call, she'll probably tell it to you! She has also told the doctor when she went for a recheck. (She also brought her doctor bag she got from Grandma for Christmas and showed him all of her tools. When he asked if she had an orthoscope, she grabbed it out of the bag and showed it to him. I guess it could be a coincidence, but I prefer to think my baby is a genius, and future doctor :) She is doing better. We still have to do nebulizer treatments through the winter, and he told me any infection she gets from here on will likely go strait to her lungs. Hopefully we won't have to spend more time in the hospital this year!
She looks so cute in her doctor's outfit!